Thursday, September 15, 2011

What does the phrase "born again" mean?

According to Master Yeshua-ben-Joseph, "born again" means to reach a stage of evolution in our soul-ular growth, where we become self aware enough to not act from our ego/personality level alone.

What does this mean?

According to Yeshua, as we evolve in our spiritual growth, we learn to listen and get to know our Soul's contracts, missions, commitments, goals... We get access to, and learn skills and practices to access and communicate with the higher self aspects of our being more readily - and are able to bring our incarnate human personality and 3D mind/decisions/choices more in alignment with our Soul's path. And more aligned we are with our Soul, the more we act not from our personality level ego, and more from a higher divinely aligned place. We learn to live in the 3D world downloading, embodying and as a vessel for our higher self or Soul.

Living and acting from the place of deep and full Soul alignment is what he referred to as being "born again" in his teachings during his incarnation as Yeshua-ben-Joseph almost 2 millennia ago (commonly called Jesus by the modern world today, even though he was not called Jesus in that life; and was given the name Yeshua ben Joseph in that life).

by Sandeep

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