Our physical body is the vehicle for our soul's work in the 3D incarnate world.
Our Body is our Space Ship to travel Creation while on our Soul-ular evolutionary journey. A journey that is designed by Creator to experience itself more fully. A journey each of us is on; as cells in the body of Creator; learning to recognize our own divinity as children of Creator; as Co-creators of all of Creation.
And each of us is the Captain of this Space Ship. We have a captain's chair. Most of us are not even aware we have a Space Ship to command. A Captain's Chair to sit in.
When we don't sit in our Captain's Chair consciously, someone else does. Guess who that is?
Our Ego. Our Personality level. Not our conscious Soul Aligned, Balanced integrated WHOLE self.
Our Physical body represents a universal level of learning. It helps us understand how well we understand creating. Our Soul down-steps at birth and lays-in the blueprint into our Physical body. To create, in alignment with Creator and our Soul, on this incarnate world form its desires and free will.
No tool is more powerful in helping us understand creation as our physical body when we are in physical incarnate form.
So, treat your body as your Sacred Temple. As your precious Space Ship.
Purify It. Maintain It. Clean It. Feed it high vibration food, company, love, thoughts. A neglected car or space ship falls apart and does not support one in any long trip voyage!!!
Sit in your Captain's Chair. Command Your Space Ship in Full Consciousness.
And Create.
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